Wednesday 10 April 2024

16.00 dissertation round 2

Remember the 16.00 dissertation I made last time?

Well, I took a break trying to make up my mind on whether going back to DDR or staying with Chunithm. Then I found out DDR had not updated for months possibly waiting for a full version upgrade so the answer is clear. Oh come on Konami...

I had been chasing for rating for the past 2-3 months so I decided to play according to my flavor for a while. I then noticed that I performed much better in most aspects other than just scoring better over the best performed maps. This is clear when you try some older maps with bad score and suddenly grind a superb score out of it -- some even got to the best 30 which we will see below.

Luminous came with new maps and new difficulty ratings. Surprisingly SEGA is pretty generous in their difficulty rating. LAMIA for example is promoted from 13.9 to 14.1, but it never felt like a 14 and surely not 14.1. It's not fast and the patterns are commonly seen among those expert 13.8-13.9. There are downgrades that I disagree (e.g. 蒼穹舞楽 to 14.3) though, too. 

With new songs and generous ratings I got myself to 16.00, this time both on best 30 and recent 10.  Since it's likely that I will never reach 16.25 (?) I decided to write once more to go through maps that newly made into my best 30. Let's start shall we?

#28 Titania (14.8, 1000315, 15.83)
One of the maps with a poor score from the past and a recent play gives 998k+ easily. Once you can cooperate between stream and rapid air notes you should be able to afford some misses in the streams and still end with 1000k+.

#21 Sage (14.6, 1003342, 15.93)
Ohhhh Camelia. This is one of many keyboard heavy new maps and I believe I can score much higher except my motivation leaks out after finding out this is merely a 14.6 -- I need a 1005/6k+ score to gain rating significantly but this is not trivial.

#20 Parousia (14.4, 1005201, 15.94FC)
An eventful song in my osu! career as described in my tweet. This FC is just the result of putting every pieces of the puzzle together in a coincidence. Gotta love that.

#16 祈 -我ら神祖と共に歩む者なり- (14.5, 1004551, 15.95)
When I first played the song its BPM is out of my reach where hitting randomly would be easier than to hit accurately. With better exposure at similar tempo and level this is now routine. 

#15 Vibes 2k20 (14.5, 1004638, 15.96)
A song of my taste! But the rhythm is not 1/3 based (like owl*tree) but 1/4 based, so it's actually very quick and demanding. I would love to use it as a warm up, but 1004k is purely accidental.

#14 Giselle (14.9, 1000794, 15.97)
Another keyboard type high-14+ that I have 'unlocked' out of nowhere. Given the high rating I actually want to grind this hard. If I am to try 16.25 this will definitely be on the list (same with 小悪魔の遊園地, another similar 14.9).

#13 ENDYMION (14.4, 1005410, 15.98FC)
How could you miss that as a DDR veteran? As mentioned above BPM222 became routine so this FC is natural to me. I am also going for 995k+ on master but this is just not enough in terms of rating.

#11 Jade Star (14.2, 1006742, 16.04FC)
The only in the original list that makes it here because this is a great song and the FC. Just like Parousia you know a good score will arrive eventually, just not sure when.

#7 Jakarta PROGRESSION (14.2, 1007025, 16.10FC)
How is this a 14.2? Perhaps 1/8 notes look hard but plays reasonably. Never had a 14.2 where I FC on first try and then got a SSS WITH MISS. If I try harder that's probably a 1009k.

#4 LAMIA (14.1, 1008415, 16.19)
The idea of one hand taking a constant beat and another hand on separate rhythm is nothing new, but this is particularly easy. Maybe the streams at the end is worth a 14.1 but is absolutely easy for a 16.00 player.

With a proper 16.00 right now I think I will truly take a break from Chunithm, partially for a break but also to avoid waves of players appearing out of nowhere just to try out the new version.

I want to mention another song: エータ・ベータ・イータ. The idea of vertical streams (streams of repeated notes) fits so well not only with the created map but also the song itself. This is the second song that I had the urge to map it in Osu! upon listening on the first try after のぼれ!すすめ!高い塔. Considering my Cirno 9th is mapped in 2020 and yet to be pushed for rank in 2024, mapping another map for rank is a distant goal...

Saturday 30 March 2024

FE Heroes: Lynja team class vs Emblem Ike

Lynjas. Or the duo unit Ninja Lyn. She has been my favourite unit in clearing stuffs and apparently it has attracted some interests among friends and servers. Why am I using her and how do I use her in clearing stages? I decided to start posting my Lynja solutions to GHB/LHB maps to my Youtube channel and this blog post serves as an introduction.

FE Heroes has entered the stage where any PVE content is essentially trivial for any veteran players with deep enough bench. The only challenges they can post are the Grand/Legendary Hero Battles(GHB/LHBs) with the newest units but inflated with all the disgusting mobs around. Yet players find it easy to clear even just with the most F2P units -- just those free units from stories.

To some it's easier to crush the stage with their newest toys. They can always create synergies that attacks the weakness of those challenging stages. Some players however, sticks to the same team over and over again and makes dazzling clears. Some heavily invests onto a single unit and perform turn 1 or true solo clears but I don't have units like that. Additionally given how quick the meta shifts, I hardly see the same unit true-soloing GHB/LHBs for an extended period. So like many others, I tried to clear the stages using the same team/idea over and over again.

In the early years, I used refined Celica plus 3 dancers. The idea is clear: fury Celica enters desperation and WoM range so that she can consecutively be danced. Savage on C to ensure chipping and AoE special if further chipping is needed.

Problem eventually arises though: you can only kill 4 units in a turn, often less than that in turn 1 because you need positioning. But there are 6 enemies at start and 3 extra every turn, meaning that you will be dealing with 4-5 enemies (including the 'boss unit' most likely). Maneuvering is hard when the dancers plus Celica are all vulnerable. At first dancers can tank a single hit with triangle adapt and stacked def/res, but that very soon failed due to inflated stats and passives.

Another problem is the need for diversified roles. To become an WoM anchor you need fury on A and possibly on S. But then you lose 2 slots to strengthen the unit. In order to chip, savage blow on C (and S) is used, or even an AoE special. But you could have used joint hone/drive otherwise. Finally there are vantage units forcing the use on hardy on S! There are so many desirable passives to use, many deemed essential. Celica eventually got overwhelmed and become impractical of clearing these stages.

It is clear that better action economy and diversified roles are needed in the team, and Lynja is the perfect solution with her duo skills. Adaptive damage, CD-1, post battle stat penalties and rein is so good when it comes to the need in firepower. But what's better than 4 Lynjas? 3 Lynjas plus a dancer. Dancer is more flexible as it allows extra action without needing to attack first which helps a lot on turn 1. With so many new game breaking dancers available now it's hard to say who's the best, but my choice has been the same -- duo peony as she has the duo skill that gives one further action, meaning that the maximum action in a turn is 8 with merely 4 units!

Here is the team:

1) Fury Lynja
Fury 4/Desperation/Savage Blow/Reposition
Speical is flexible (damage-type special or AoE)
S: Fury/Savage Blow/...
-HP with no merges or flowers would yield 36HP that fury 4 twice (instead of fury 7) is enough for her to enter WoM range. You don't want her to attack 3 times on turn 1 -- that makes retreating very hard.

2) Lynja2
Base kit + WoM + Repo + Hardy
Special is flexible but I used Lethality
Just in case there are vantage units but can be morphed into another nuker.

3) Lynja3
Base kit + WoM + Repo + Blade Session
Special is flexible but I used Blue flame (for diversity)
This is usually the unit that delivers the heaviest blow.

4) D!Peony
Base kit + WoM
C usually joint drive atk, S usually drive atk but both flexible
Pure support unit, support with Lynja gives free stat.

Notice that I have not fully optimize the kit. Most investments are cheap except the units themselves. I am sure they will be much stronger with better A and C skills! Other than Lynjas, Ninjorrin and Ninja Laegjarn would fit similar roles albeit not able to fly.

The team did well even in AR-O before save tanks becoming too tough, but for GHB/LHBs they should clear pretty easily. I also use the team to clear most chain battles. The key has always been positioning both in turn 1 and later turns, but I can't really exhaust all positioning techniques in one go. It is just easier for me to demonstrate them bit by bit in the videos. Below is my first in the series -- against Emblem Ike which is the toughest in a long time. Ike made a grave mistake: he became arrogant and didn't bring a healer. As a result multiple savage blow and AoE chipping put him down. This is a typical approach towards omnitank just like the maps against legendary Alears. I hope you enjoy the walkthrough and find it useful!

Monday 18 March 2024

夢.十夜 (10.2) Colosseo


我再次翻出上次攻城戰的最終排名。在一番計算後我發現這個排名藏了一堆遠比「進二檔比較容易對上Super Rangers」有用的關鍵信息。

首先是一二檔隊伍的敗場總數,前九名的敗場加起來一共34場。假設他們沒輸過給前十以外的隊伍好了,前十完整內戰也就36場,他們加起來34敗就代表了他們幾乎完整地互戰了一遍。也就是說如果能爬進二檔的位置,我們幾乎肯定能對上Super Rangers才對。上一次我們坐在第十卻只對上了六隊一二檔隊伍可說是個異數。大概因為我們在打敗奧林匹克神眾之前根本沒排進二檔過,在那一場過後配對的強度已經讓我們沒法完整配對到前十的隊伍。


最合理的推測是,當二檔隊伍需要休息而對手又太拼時它們是可以放水輸一下的。以第九名的七敗來看的話,只要能贏一場再少配對一場二檔隊伍的話就能穩進二檔。換句話說,只要我們實力能進步到完全不輸二檔開外的隊伍再加上對二檔能咬下一勝再來點運氣的話應該就能對上Super Rangers。最最最壞的情況就是配對上Super Rangers以外的八九支二檔隊伍全敗,但是至少有個希望不是嗎?




排名榜顯示八連勝的隊伍還有不少,但很多都是叫得出的名字強隊。我們第九場配到上次排行第四的隊伍。我們的確有對上二檔隊伍一拼的打算,但我們跟第四名的差距還是很大。當我們看到對方剛開戰就已經滿員殺過來,我們不得不把這場放棄掉。很可惜,按照上一次攻城戰的軌跡我們碰上Super Rangers的機會不小才是。





第十六輪的幸運配對讓我們升到第七名。上次的第一名依舊無敗站在頂端俯瞰眾生,下方是一敗兩敗各兩隊,然後三隊三敗隊伍。有點意外的是Super Rangers居然拿著兩敗屈居第四名。按照上次的配對前三名的內戰應該已經完成了才對,但兩支一敗隊伍顯然代表著截然相反的事實。她們兩敗到底輸了給誰呢,會不會因為已經輸了給不該輸的隊伍導致無緣前三呢?她們會不會因為這樣而調整甚至取消和我們的賭局呢?


如果我們能一直坐在這個排名的話,對上Super Rangers真的只是時間問題……前提是要能坐穩。僥倖升上來又打不過別的二檔隊伍的話,自然會以同一方式掉下去。熊熊隊對上次的第五名毫無懸念地輸掉,然後又遇上了第一名。對戰才過了五分鐘我們就理解到那種規格外的強隊完全不是任何其他隊伍可以比擬的,哪怕是我們遇過的一檔隊伍。Super Rangers不想跟他們硬碰完全可以理解,甚至是理所當然的選擇。本來以為兩連敗已經是最差的結果,沒想到命運再次給我們沉重一擊,配對系統把我們配給了第二名。我們那場連上線應戰也懶,直接跳過一場換來了八小時的優質睡眠。三連敗後我們終於配對到雜魚隊,但下一場馬上又對上第六名輸掉。

一波下來我們掉到第十二名,跟第十一和十三名同樣七敗。這個排名不怎好看但忠實地反映了我們的打不過二檔但穩贏十幾名的實力。Super Rangers現在還是兩敗升上第三,本來意外壓在她們上面的隊伍已經變成三敗落到第四。更重要的是Super Rangers的分數遙遙領先三敗的四五名。也就是說即使她們對上熊熊隊並輸掉,她們也有把握拿下第三名。看來Yuki根本沒擔心過能不能進前三的問題。

對熊熊隊來說要二檔無望言之尚早,但是難度已經很高了。現在前十名加起來一共34敗,內戰配對可能已經快要結束了。其中一個跡象是近兩輪前十新增的敗場數都只有三四場,也就是說系統已經開始把弱隊配給一二檔隊伍去炸魚,這樣想要對上Super Rangers就很難了。

不知道是幸運還不幸運,或者純粹是配對可能性有限所使然,我們第二十二輪配對到第七名。好消息是贏了這場就有了對上Super Rangers的最後機會,壞消息是……對方是第七名的強隊。






















用最簡單的加減數來算第一名何時會下去炸魚的話,從第九或第十場開始會一直配到另外九隊前十隊伍。考慮到前十尾段會偶而換人的話第十九、二十場才能完整配對前十才算合理。在35場制下,這意味著對第一名來說整個下半段都是垃圾時間。現在賽制縮成28場,留給他們炸魚的時間就少了很多。但是對熊熊隊來說,這也意味著即使沒法進入前十靠接近排名而對上Super Rangers也能在後面等配對系統大發慈悲的機會變得不切實際。





在理想的情況下,第四輸了第七一場,系統讓第八第九各少打一場。這是只有一場下剋上結果的組合。如果跳過的是其他場次,比如第四對第八和第六對第七呢?我們就會得到一堆下剋上結果,比如下圖(左vs上 0/1=負/勝):


有時現實就是如此諷剌。熊熊隊這次待在前面的輪次足夠長,前十也打了七場,如果運氣好一點應該早就遇上Super Rangers了。計算很美好,回到現實才發現配對系統的惡意。當初自信滿滿以為有機會正面和前十一掰手腕,現在想改變策略已經太遲了。

